#Cabin fever light show portable
Clean & sanitized portable bathrooms on site.Five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin. You can bring your snacks and refreshments. Avoid the crowds, keep the family safe Pile up into the safety of your own vehicle and come out for the fantastic Drive-in Cabin Fever Laser Show 2 action. With Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd, James DeBello, Cerina Vincent.Tune into the designated FM Station for instructions and sound during the event.Please turn off your headlights when you park.'The Drive-In Laser Light Show by Cabin Fever Pile into your raddest ride and come out for the fantastic Drive-In Laser Show. We will not be taking cash or payment at the gate. CANCELED Refunds will be provided to purchasers via their original point of purchase. This is a Drive-in Laser Show intended to offer safety and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we ask that you around your vehicle during the duration of the show. The Drive-in Laser Light Show November 4th-7th 2021 to the Sarpy County Fairgrounds.The family friendly Laser Shows include the latest Musical hits, Mind Blowing lasers and fantastic Graphic Effects!We have a dedicated "Tail-Gate" seating area for every vehicle! Bring your own chairs, blankets and refreshments. 2 action packed mind blowing shows per night! Choose from either the 7pm or 9pm shows. The immersive audiovisual experience offers a dazzling display of multi-colored lasers tuned to a wide variety of music selections, from classic to modern pop, ’80s and ’90s hits, to classic rock. Pile up into the safety of your own vehicle and come out for the fantastic Drive-in Cabin Fever Laser Show. The Cabin Fever Laser Light Show features more than 30 lasers choreographed with special effects and synched to popular music set against a backdrop of dual 40-foot screens. Cabin Fever Laser Light Show runs from the 14th to the 17th of January with two shows starting promptly at 7pm and 9pm at 105 Fort Argyle Rd right next to Nine Line.

Not recommended for persons with epilepsy.Get Ready.Cabin Fever presents The Drive-in Laser Light Show coming back to Athens on February 25th - 28th 2021! The most spectacular laser show you have ever seen and it's a drive-in. ENTRANCE to the show is at Cox Stadium, 601 Paul Russell Rd.Guests will pull into their parking spot and tune to the designated FM station for instructions and sound. On January 21, 22 and 23, two shows per night will feature music, mesmerizing lasers and graphic effects. Clean & sanitized portable bathrooms on site The Drive-In Laser Light Show by Cabin Fever Pile into your raddest ride and come out for the fantastic Drive-In Laser Show. Later this month a travelling drive-in laser light show will entertain carloads of people at Eustis Fairgrounds for one weekend.Have a photo from this event Upload it here. Tune into the designated FM Station for instructions and sound during the event. For more information please visit the Cabin Fever Light Show website.The most spectacular laser show you have ever seen and it’s a Drive-in! Avoid the crowds and keep the family safe! Pile up into the safety of your own vehicle and come out for the fantastic Drive-in Cabin Fever Laser Show! 2 action packed mind blowing shows per night! Choose from either the 7pm or 9pm shows! The family friendly Laser Shows include the latest Musical hits, Mind Blowing lasers and fantastic Graphic Effects! Great news that the Athens Cabin Fever Laser Light Show is returning and with bigger and better lights from February 25-28, 2021! Once the show started, the whole family was in awe watching the show! It is definitely worth checking out. We took our picnic dinner, chairs, a football, and had a great time before the show. It was a wonderful time with family and friends. Back in 2020, we ventured out to the Athens Cabin Fever Laser Light Show.